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Writer's pictureKeliza Healthy Living


By Dr. med. Claudia Schmiemann

Walnuts are in the juglans family – the English or Persian walnut (juglans regia) is originated in Iran. A sibling the eastern black walnut (juglans nigra) we know as an anti- parasitic remedy has its origins in North America.

China contributes with 1/3 to the annually production followed by the US, Iran and Turkey.

Walnuts are a great source for antioxidants, vitamin E and melatonin.

This together with the high amount of omega-3 fats may help to prevent arteriosclerosis.

The polyphenols (ellagitannins) are promoting a decrease in any chronic inflammatory process that might lead to chronic diseases like diabetes, degenerative brain illnesses, Lyme and arteriosclerosis.

There is a hint that some polyphenols like urolithins may reduce the risk of breast, prostate and colorectal cancer.

A hand full of walnuts a day may help to keep your “bad” cholesterol (HDL) under control and therefore may help to prevent cardio-circulatory diseases.

Best about walnuts: they are tasty and versatile to use. I love to sprinkle them over salads, yoghurt, fruit salads. They are almost always included in my bread recipes. And you can just snack them raw. If you want to prepare meatless ground meat stir fry chopped walnuts together with chopped onions and mushroom. Add salt and pepper – hardly anyone will notice that you are not serving ground beef.

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