It is a long time ago that we found out that our whole body is not only represented on our auricles but also on our palms and feet. Therefore giving a massage to the sole of your feet and pressing different reference points has an effect on your whole body. You can instantly benefit not only from a relaxation of your muscles but also of an increase of circulation, support of organ functions and a leveling of hormone production. This can lead to an enhancement of your bodies own self repair mechanisms.
Relax on our sound couch and listen to healing music while your feet, ankles and soles are treated.
We use our home made comfrey balm with honey collected by our own bees.
Book a 25 minutes treatment $55 + HST. 50 minutes treatment for $110 + HST
For patients with benefit- or private insurance, we request that you apply for reimbursement directly with your provider.
Please note that we are unable to guarantee reimbursement as contractual terms may vary.