by Dr. med. Claudia Schmiemann
Celery was first mentioned in 1664 by the English John Evelyn. This sturdy vegetable is a perfect winter vegetable and can be harvested between September to April.
In North America “Pascal” is the cultivar that is most common and we can eat the stems and leaves. Another popular variety is celeriac (that is the part between the roots and the leaf stalks). Even the seeds are edible ground or complete.
The main chemicals that are responsible for the unique taste are sedanolide and butylphtalide. But what we really want to find out is all about health benefits:
So first of all this veggie is super high in fiber! Always beneficial for our guts, accelerates the transport of food in our intestines and therefore lowering intestinal cancer. It is packed with antioxidants including flavonoide, lunularin and bergapten which helps prevent oxidative stress and therefore contributes to the prevention of cancer.
Moreover it contains about 25 anti-inflammatory compounds. So it is the perfect food for anyone who deals with Lyme and co-infections! Because of the phtalides artery walls are relaxed what leads together with the high amount of potassium and magnesium to a potential lowering of blood pressure. Besides polyphenolic compounds have a soothing effect on gastric ulcer.
There is some evidence that L-3n-butylphtalide may support cognition and memory in order to prevent dementia.
To be most beneficial it is recommended to eat stalk, leaves and seeds raw in salads or with a dip. Nevertheless it is great in soups, stews and steamed. You can also juice it – and of course it is very much connected to Anthony William who dedicated a whole book to celery juice and its benefits (available at the Lunenburg library).