By Dr. med. Claudia Schmiemann
Talking about the effects photons have on our body – what are the physiological effects of laser light?
– Immune cells are energized and activated and provide a stronger combat of inflammation as well as an accelerated healing of wounds.
– The building of new blood vessels (neovascularization) is boosted and therefore the tissue gets more oxygen which is crucial for best function
– Collagen formation and protein biosynthesis is increased which means connective tissue is strengthened (anti- aging effect).
– It has an anti- allergenic effect due to the stabilization of cell membrane potential.
– Pain reduction due to the increased endorphin disbursement and to the blockage of impulses and therefore reduced transmission of pain sensations.
– Reduction of inflammatory cytokins interleukin 1 (IL-1)
– Increased prostaglandin synthesis and production of PGI2 which leads to vasodilatory and anti-inflammatory effects
– Improvement of angiogenesis (regeneration of capillaries), microcirculation and perfusion.
– No modification of intact cells – no side effects
… to be continued….