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  • Writer's pictureKeliza Healthy Living



By Dr. med. Claudia Schmiemann

Together with tumeric, cardamom and galangal ginger is in the Zingiberaceae family. It can grow a meter high. The root (rhizome) is what we use in the kitchen.

Originated in India that still is the main producer of the plant ginger is nowadays grown around the globe. It likes warm and humid weather – so to grow it in Nova Scotia we need green houses.

Ginger is high in a natural oil called gingerol that is anti-inflammatory and works as an antioxidant. This is why we like to use it for colds and as a prevention for viral infections.

Also well known are the benefits for the gastrointestinal tract. It contains lots of fiber and has a calming effect on dyspepsia, nausea and functional gut issues.

There is some research in progress to investigate if ginger has a preventative effect on age-related brain decline. As it has positive effects on the metabolism (lowering of LDL- cholesterol and blood sugar) heart and brain function will for sure be supported by that.

You don´t know how to use it? Well, I personally like fresh ginger in tea or just like hot ginger water. You can have it in smoothies, in any savory dish with other vegetables, grated in salads and soups. Famous is the ginger lemon shot with honey to alkalize your body, energize it and prevent flus.

Make sure that you get fresh roots preferably from an organic source.

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