By Dr. med. Claudia Schmiemann
Let´s talk today about how our body is able to absorb photons. How do they get inside in order to contribute with their energy to the overall health of our bodies.
In Part 2 I started already to talk about wavelengths and this is where we have to turn to in order to be able to answer the question above.
Our cells need an energy source. Therefore they have organelles called mitochondria. These mitochondria are the power plants of a cell. They contain a folded membrane on which enzyme complexes (the respiratory chain) are lined up in order to produce ATP (Adenosintriphosphat) which is the fuel a cell runs on.
Light is absorbed on a molecular level. Nowadays the absorption spectra of many molecules are well known and laser light can be used to stimulate or inhibit specific biochemical processes. From this knowledge many therapeutic options arise.
Just to give you an example: blue light (about 400 nm) is mainly absorbed by the NADH-dehydrogenase- complex – the starter complex of the respiratory chain in the mitochondria. In the red and infrared range between 630-900 nm the photons are activating mainly the complex of cytochrome-c-oxidase, the final carrier of the respiratory chain.
In other words using specific wavelength of light we know how to stimulate very specific enzyme complexes and therefore take an influence on the metabolism of f.e. ATP.
…. To be continued….